BLOG July 17 2017

What’s the chance of saving the planet, if we don’t change? Near zero.

Climate change, rising green house gas emissions and resource depletion are issues forcing us to find new solutions and technology. Through innovation, we can do better. To be a “near-zero” community, we will need to reduce GHG emissions overall and address things like waste-water and energy creation at the same time. The goal is to […]


BLOG July 10 2017

Act now. Why it’s the right time for change.

There is a revolution happening. And we need to decide which side we’re on. Seriously, change is happing all around us and the time is now to embrace it. If we deny climate change and what society needs to embrace to change our current trajectory, we are going to go the way of the “horse […]


BLOG June 29 2017

The future of building smart communities.

Green Earth Village is a new way to think about urban development. But who’s behind this leading-edge, sustainable, innovative effort? The partners involved are a diverse group, a team that is driven by best practices, constant improvement and a belief that Ontario can lead the way.